
Sarah Zip Cardigan Pattern
Figheadh Yarnworks
Cascade Pastaza
Color #017
Size 10.5 (6.5 mm) needles
Sizes 28 (32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52)
Here's our latest addition to the Figheadh Yarnworks line. I started working on Sarah early in 2006, finished knitting up this sample earlier this year, and now the pattern is all edited and finally ready. I love these three braid cables and wanted to merge them into a sturdy, yet feminine zip cardigan. It was a very fun knit, and I would even like to do another in Cascade Eco Wool. The cardigan's midi collar is knit separately and sewn to the sweater, and the shoulders are joined with a saddle. Follow this link to see the front (scroll down a bit).
I named this design after my aunt Sarah in honor of her 80th birthday in May 2006. I couldn't be there for what must have been a great celebration of that event, so I wanted to show my admiration somehow. Aunt Sarah is one of the strongest women in a whole bunch of strong women on my mother's side of the family. She was a nurse in an earlier life and went on to nurse her own husband, Uncle Jack, when he had a stroke. He lived for many years because of her wonderful care for him. When he passed away, she just transferred that love and care on to others--family and others--in more ways than anyone will ever know. I have always appreciated her kindness and her calm, wise demeanor. Here's to you, Aunt Sarah! May you live for many more!
On a lighter note, I have been sucked into the Ravelry fun. It's too much! I am having to do a little at a time, but I am building up my "notebook". If you haven't signed up, you should. If you have, then look for me as jenhagan--yeah, I decided not to go the cryptic route.
I hope the time change is messing with your sleep. Enjoy your November knitting!


dawnbrocco said…
Very nice, fig! That looks like a crawl into and be cozy sweater.
Anonymous said…
That looks nice. What's the front look like?
Emmalee said…
Oh my god that is gorgeous! I want it immediatly! Happy tuesday!
Knittinreed said…
Gorgeous cables! And yes, Ravelry has sucked me in too...
Emmalee said…
Just wanted to let you know this lady has good taste (namely she likes your work)

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