I think I have a problem...

I got a little case of startitis in the sock department. Yes, folks, what you have here is 7 pairs of socks in various stages of completion. I confess. And I was thinking of casting on another!
I thought I'd better drag them all out and confront my addiction.

Okay, no more until these are done! I swear!

Actually, my sickness comes in complimentary waves--first I'll get startitus, but then I'll get a real, raging wave of finishitis! Makes you feel so proud (the finishitis, that is!)

I feel the latter coming on. Finished Fred's cable (a new pattern in test, so I can't show it off!), and now I am off to get back to work on my grandson's Guernsey. He's the only one getting anything handknit for Christmas! I don't really do that stuff anymore. People just get things randomly throughout the year--IF they get it, right, folks?

Figheadh sona dhut!
Happy Knitting!

Feasgar Math!
(Good Evening)


Gina said…
Love the socks! I have a pair made with the same Regia as the sock in the front and center, and I love the colors.
Amie said…
I am SO guilty of that myself. The problem is that socks are so small it never feels like you're far from the end.... but if you never get back to them it's harder to finish....

I have about 8 pairs like that myself....

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