Goodbye, Summer!

We had a pretty sweet summer--a summer filled with firsts!

We grew sunflowers for the first time.

Our Better Boys (sometimes) ripened on the vine.

I learned how to make almond milk (shown here before straining) and grow sprouts and wheat grass.

We grew lavender for the first time--enough for bundles and sachets.

Not a first, but seemingly more plentiful, were foggy hikes.

Though not all foggy.

We went to Montana and it was my first time there.

Of course, we passed through Idaho to get there, which was another first for me.

And that's all that Blogger will allow me to show. I finally found out the picture limit in one blog post, although I'm sure I've exceeded this before with some of those tutorials. There will be more of those, too, because I am almost ready to release a new cardigan and I'll have lots of pictures of the steps involved.

I hope your summer was one of discovery and beauty and wonder, just as ours was.

Happy Fall!


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